You are unable to close sales deals with large multi-national companies because you cannot adequately answer the privacy and security questionnaires that the larger companies required of you in the sales process to meet their vendor risk management programs. You may not know which questions are OK to answer with ‘no’ or ‘not applicable’ and how to explain that the data is secure. You may not understand some of the terms that they are asking. You can’t keep taking the time of valuable engineering and security management resources to answer the questions for every prospect that presents you with hundreds of security questions.
Streamline the Security Assessment Process and Remove Risk Objections
Responding to risk assessment questionnaires consumes time and resources, but without the proper answers, you are limiting your sales opportunities. SHAW Data Security consultants will help you to reduce the risk of delayed or rejected sales due to information security and privacy requirements by:
- Identifying missing processes or procedures
- Identifying missing documentation and proof
- Prioritizing the establishment of processes, procedures and documentation according to impact and risk to the sales process
- Establishing the necessary processes and procedures
- Creating the documentation
- Creating a repository of answers to common questions for internal staff to cut/paste
- Assisting in answering difficult questionnaires
Tell us where you are with regard to your information risk management program
Help us understand where you are in your information security program. SHAW will collaborate with you to collect the necessary information from your internal experts to identify the starting point. We want to know if you have company policies in place based on industry standards. Do you operate your company according to those policies and have tools in place to manage and monitor information security compliance? Have you documented your policies, procedures, roles, and responsibilities? Wherever you are in the process, SHAW Data Security will get you to where you need to be to close the deal more quickly.
Convert the Security Assessment Process from a Liability to a Credibility
The SHAW Data Security team works with you to prioritize and establish information security and privacy practices. Your sales people are armed with documented and customer-friendly information about your security and privacy programs, which gives your potential customers confidence in your company. Sales administrative staff can cut/paste baseline answers for questionnaires for quick response. With a repository of answers, there is a drastic reduction in amount of time being spent by your company’s engineering, legal, and financial experts. There is less stress in the sales cycle, and deals are closing.